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dc.contributor.authorWhyte, Lawrence
dc.identifier.citationWhyte, L. (1997). Coaching for change. Realising the potential for nursing. Nursing Management, 3 (10), pp.12-13.
dc.description.abstractIn a recent article for Nursing Management Price (1996) examined the contribution that the theory and skills of counselling could make towards the effective management of human resources within the nursing workforce. This article complements this contribution by addressing the approach of coaching. Given the development of more formalised systems of enabling within the nursing workforce, such as clinical supervision, it is argued that coaching offers a viable and efficient method for developing the potential of the workforce.
dc.subjectStaff development
dc.subjectInterprofessional relations
dc.titleCoaching for change. Realising the potential for nursing
html.description.abstractIn a recent article for Nursing Management Price (1996) examined the contribution that the theory and skills of counselling could make towards the effective management of human resources within the nursing workforce. This article complements this contribution by addressing the approach of coaching. Given the development of more formalised systems of enabling within the nursing workforce, such as clinical supervision, it is argued that coaching offers a viable and efficient method for developing the potential of the workforce.

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