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dc.contributor.authorCollins, Mick
dc.identifier.citationCollins, M. (1996). Bridging the research-practice gap: The role of the link nurse. Nursing Standard, 10 (25), pp.44-46.
dc.description.abstractThere has been much discussion about the need to reduce the gap between nursing research and nursing practice ( Polit and Hungler 1993 ). McKenna ( 1995 ) argued that while strict research activity is the job of only a small number of individuals within any profession, the ability to recognise research findings as important and the need to use those findings must be a major part of the role of any professional. This view is supported by Robinson ( 1994 ) who emphasised that it is important to dispel the myth that all practitioners should carry out research, though they should use elements of the research process to develop a questioning and evaluative approach to care.
dc.subjectNursing care
dc.subjectNursing research
dc.titleBridging the research-practice gap: The role of the link nurse
html.description.abstractThere has been much discussion about the need to reduce the gap between nursing research and nursing practice ( Polit and Hungler 1993 ). McKenna ( 1995 ) argued that while strict research activity is the job of only a small number of individuals within any profession, the ability to recognise research findings as important and the need to use those findings must be a major part of the role of any professional. This view is supported by Robinson ( 1994 ) who emphasised that it is important to dispel the myth that all practitioners should carry out research, though they should use elements of the research process to develop a questioning and evaluative approach to care.

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