Building resilience through listening to children and young people about their health preferences using arts-based methods
This chapter describes how arts-based approaches can be used in effectively eliciting the views children and young people in a range of settings to elicit information about their health preferences. Firstly, it will include what is meant by arts-based approaches and how they might be used in practice. Following this, a number of arts-based activities are considered in terms of applicability for children and young people across three broad groups. Literature and field work undertaken by the author is drawn upon to inform critical discussion of not only using arts-based approaches with children and young people in real world settings but how they can be used to positively impact on children’s resilience and well-being.Citation
Coad, J. (2020). Building Resilience Through Listening to Children and Young People About Their Health Preferences Using Arts-Based Methods. In: McKay, L., Barton, G., Garvis, S., Sappa, V. (eds) Arts-Based Research, Resilience and Well-being Across the Lifespan, pp.46-62.
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