Recent Submissions

  • A Case Report of a Co-Amoxiclav-Induced Black Hairy Tongue

    Fahdawi, Abobakr; Iqbal, Muhammad Samar (2024)
    A black hairy tongue is a benign, self-limiting condition characterized by the discolouration of the tongue due to defective desquamation. Clinical presentation varies, with most cases being asymptomatic although aesthetically unpleasant to the patient. Prevalence varies geographically, ranging from 0.6% to 11.3%. It can be triggered by various factors such as medications, smoking, alcohol, poor oral hygiene, or even underlying systemic conditions such as malignancy. Several antibiotics such as doxycycline, erythromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, metronidazole, and piperacillin-tazobactam, have been reported to cause black hairy tongues. Onset can range from a few weeks to as long as five weeks. Diagnosis relies on clinical assessment with a good history and visual examination. Definitive treatment remains unclear, but the condition typically improves by identifying and discontinuing the causative agent and maintaining adequate oral hygiene. Complications are rare, and the prognosis is excellent. This case report aims to raise awareness of the association between the black hairy tongue and co-amoxiclav, which may impose additional burdens on patients, healthcare providers, and the health system if failed to be recognized and treated appropriately.
  • Knowledge, attitude, and practices toward malaria among hospital outpatients in Nangarhar, Afghanistan: A cross-sectional study

    Mowlabaccus, Wafaa Binti (2024)
    Background: In the Eastern Mediterranean region, Afghanistan ranks third for the world’s highest burden of malaria. The vast majority (95%) of malaria cases in Afghanistan are attributed to Plasmodium falciparum and 5% to Plasmodium vivax. Most cases occur in low-altitude regions, especially in the eastern province of Nangarhar, where agriculture and farming are predominant. To better understand the public sentiment toward malaria, this study aimed to understand the knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients toward malaria who visited public and private hospitals of Nangarhar province. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on Nangarhar residents who visited the adult Outpatient departments of eight local public and private health facilities. Data collection took place from 1st August 2022 to 15th September 2022. Results: Of 700 participants, 37.9% (n = 265) identified as male and 62.1% (n = 435) identified as female. The majority of participants (84.6 %) were within the (18–40) age range, followed by 12.7% in the (41–60) age range, and 2.7% were aged 61 years or older. Moreover, 99.7% (n = 698) of the participants had heard of malaria. The main sources of information about malaria were family members (31.3%, n = 219), television (32.6%, n = 228), Internet (12.6%, n = 88), school (11.3%, n = 79), and health facilities (31.4%, n = 220). Most respondents correctly identified mosquito bites as the primary mode of malaria transmission (72.6%, n = 508). Others suggested that transmission could occur by close contact with a malaria patient (14.0%, n = 98) and drinking contaminated water (17.3%, n = 121). The majority of participants (70.6%) agreed that malaria is a serious and life-threatening disease. A significant number of participants (96.6%) reported owning an insecticide-treated mosquito net at home, and 87.0% reported using the net. Conclusion: Overall, participants reported good knowledge, attitude, and practice toward malaria. This may be linked to the awareness campaigns and preventive programs in Nangarhar province that have contributed to participant’s willingness to prevent malaria and treat themselves if they get infected. Public health campaigns are difficult in Afghanistan with weak governance and conflict, and thus, populations may find themselves at risk if health promotion activities are stopped.
  • Neutropenia Induced by Ceftriaxone and Meropenem

    Aung, Zay Yar; Elmagraby, Khaled; Nica, Alexandra (2024)
    Neutropenia by non-chemotherapy drugs is an extremely rare idiosyncratic life-threatening drug reaction. Ceftriaxone and meropenem are widely used broad-spectrum antibiotics and are generally safe and well tolerated. The authors present a case of neutropenia induced by ceftriaxone and meropenem in an adult patient. The resolution of neutropenia occurred within 48 hours of ceftriaxone and meropenem being discontinued. Although antibiotic-induced neutropenia is uncommon, clinicians should be mindful of this adverse drug effect because of its potential development of severe neutropenia, septicaemia, septic shock, deep-seated infections and even death. Therefore, neutropenic sepsis treatment should be initiated without delay, particularly if the patient becomes septic and febrile. Granulocyte-colony stimulation factor (G-CSF) may be administered to facilitate the recovery process with daily monitoring of neutrophil count. Mortalities from antibiotic-induced neutropenia remain rare, with a range of 2.5–5%.
  • The Student Grand Round: a peer teaching initiative

    Nazari, Ahmed; Rajesh, Mariya; Antoun, Ibrahim
    Introduction Oral presentation and public speaking skills are poorly emphasised in the medical school curriculum. The student grand round was created to tackle this deficiency by changing the way in which students are taught, from traditional lecture-based learning to interactive small-group peer-to-peer teaching. This approach encourages students to become responsible for their own learning, develop their public speaking and teaching skills, as well as identify and address gaps in their knowledge. Aims The primary aims of this study were to determine the understanding of students before and after peer teaching, including retention of concepts via quiz scores and confidence of students in giving SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) handovers. The secondary aim is to determine the place of student-led grand round teaching in the medical curriculum as a means of developing teaching skills and encouraging active learning. Methods A cohort of 21 third-year medical students from Leicester University attended a weekly peer teaching programme where students presented a case they had encountered during their clinical attachment. Peer teachers were required to research some background and pathophysiology regarding the topic and teach in an interactive manner and create discussion regarding the topic. The students then summarised the case and practised the skill of concise handovers using the SBAR format. Knowledge and understanding were assessed with an interactive quiz, and feedback via a survey was gathered before and after sessions. Each student engaged in case discussion and received input from a specialty registrar regarding their presentation skills, case knowledge, and SBAR handover. Results Individual and combined session analysis demonstrated a significant improvement in scores across understanding the topic and confidence in SBAR. Student recommendation for the session cumulatively was significant (p=0.02); however, comparison of medical student recommendations of individual sessions did not yield statistically significant results. There was a significant improvement in the overall quiz score (p=0.045), and average scores improved from 51% to 70% (p=0.043). There was a significant increase in the mean quiz result after the first two sessions (28-55% (p=0.002) and 56-85% (p=0.0001), respectively). Summary The student grand round is a promising teaching initiative that capitalises on peer teaching, a valuable learning theory that centres around students taking on the role of teachers to instruct their peers. Results from this study have shown that this method of collaborative teaching is effective in improving the understanding of medical topics, increases confidence in public speaking and precise handover skills, and therefore better prepares medical students for their career as future clinicians.
  • Unexpected pulmonary sequestration in a pregnant patient

    Alsararatee, Hasan Hazim; Munje, Muhit (2023-12)
    A pregnant woman in her early 30s, at 20 weeks of gestational age, presented with recurrent haemoptysis, pleuritic chest pain and a productive cough of 6 months duration. She underwent CT pulmonary angiogram which demonstrated right pulmonary sequestration and right-sided consolidation. Pre-existing pulmonary comorbidities such as chronic inflammation, structural abnormalities or weakened blood vessels within the lungs can encourage the growth of abnormal blood vessels. During pregnancy, these dynamics can be further aggravated by increasing cardiac output to promote blood flow to the placenta and increasing oxygen delivery to the developing foetus. These changes likely cause increased blood flow to the pulmonary sequestration, resulting in haemoptysis. The patient was treated conservatively for community-acquired pneumonia with a course of oral amoxicillin 500 mg three times a day for 5 days, and she is doing well on follow-up.